

How to Care for Your Teeth after Braces

Nov 1 • 2 minute read

After removing your braces, the team at Sterling Heights Family Dentistry wants to ensure you maintain and preserve your newly improved smile. In the days immediately following your braces being removed, you can expect your teeth to be more sensitive than usual, which is normal for almost every braces patient.  

Follow-up Visits

Regular check-ups are essential to maintaining the changes made over the course of your orthodontic treatment. How to properly wear and care for your retainer will be discussed during your visits, and whether or not your teeth are exhibiting signs of unhealthy shifting. We will also adjust your retainer when necessary to ensure that it continues to fit snugly. Over time, a retainer can loosen, so regular visits allow us to be sure your teeth keep their new alignment.

We also recommend orthodontic patients schedule a routine dental exam and cleaning as a follow-up to having braces removed. This cleaning will eliminate any tartar buildup that may have occurred during treatment.

At-home Care

Patients should remain diligent with routine brushing and flossing. With your braces removed, it should be much easier to perform these tasks. Retainers should also be regularly rinsed and brushed with a standard toothbrush and toothpaste. If preferred, you can also soak it in baking soda. Avoid any abrasive cleaners, as they can weaken the device or cause damage.

You should also try to engage in activities that help alleviate stress, as orthodontic treatments have been known to increase the risk for TMJ dysfunction; any additional clenching or grinding can add to jaw discomfort. Maintaining a comfortable bite will lessen your chances of experiencing TMD. 

Dietary Habits

In the days following removal, your teeth will experience heightened sensitivity. Because of this, we recommend avoiding hot and cold foods to limit any additional discomfort.

After braces are removed, patients can once again enjoy foods freely. While we want you to eat and drink as you please, it’s important to slowly reintroduce certain foods back into your diet. Both your digestive system and teeth will not be used to processing some foods, which can cause discomfort. 

Schedule an Appointment with Sterling Heights Family Dentistry Today!

If you have any questions about follow-up care, please don’t hesitate to ask during your next visit. We welcome patients in the greater Detroit to experience quality dental care and achieve healthy smile today. 


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